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The Terms of Reference [PDF, 277 KB] set out the detailed purpose and scope of the review.

Safety is the reason the system exists, and is the driving focus behind all aspects of the review.

In that context, the purpose of the review was to identify what Aotearoa New Zealand needs and wants from its air navigation system now and in future.

Based on that information, the Panel was asked to make recommendations to strengthen the system to address known issues and be prepared to grasp emerging opportunities.

The scope of the review was deliberately broad. It considered how the system is organised, planned, funded, and monitored.

The Panel looked at the system in the broader national and international context, considering how it contributes to our society, economy, and environment, our resilience and security, and to our place in the world

The review was high level and first principles. It is not technical or operational – rather, the recommendations are designed to create an environment where the right people make the right decisions and investment at the right time, taking a system-wide perspective.